Staying focused can be a task in itself and sadly it is not a one size fits all. It can be difficult to stop procrastinating, however, you will find that making a conscious effort to stay on track with a few simple tips can make a huge difference in your productivity!
Plan out your day, create a to-do-list, schedule your time to complete a task in order of importance. Give yourself plenty of time to get something done, but not too much to avoid procrastination! It is easier now than ever to get distracted, especially with mobile phones and social media being accessible at the touch of a button.
We suggest setting your phone to ‘Do not Disturb’ or on aeroplane mode, if your phone is a real distraction for you maybe even completely put it out of reach and sight. There is nothing more distracting than seeing your phone screen light up out of the corner of your eye.
Organising your workspace will not only remove distractions and give you a clean space to work, but it will also clear your mind. ‘Tidy desk, tidy mind’. Start your work in the right environment and you are setting yourself up to succeed for the day ahead.
When it comes to being productive, find what works for you. Some people work better with music, some work better in complete silence. If music works for you, create a motivational playlist and get to work! If you perform better in silence, move yourself to a quiet space.
Related reading: An apprentice’s guide to staying mentally strong at work
Being prepared can help you keep focused solely on the task rather than looking for where your pen has mysteriously vanished to. This could include organising stationary, with a notepad and pen, and any other material you need to start the task. Making sure you are prepared before starting will minimise any workflow disruptions and ultimately save time on getting the job done.
Don’t be afraid if you need to ask for help and guidance. Motivational words and guidance from a colleague can keep you working towards your goals, especially if you need more information to move forward on a task. Working in a team can help you keep focused if everyone is working together to get a job done. You’re more likely to stay on track if the other person is too!
Taking small but regular breaks can help to keep your mind on track. If you’re sitting down for a long period of time try to move around, take a little walk or grab a drink to recharge. Studies have even shown that taking frequent breaks throughout the day can increase concentration, serve as an energy boost to maintain your performance, restore your motivation and can even prevent stress.
A “power hour” is when you tell yourself that for the next hour you’re going to get as much work done as possible, so that you can beat procrastination and get on with all the little tasks you have been ignoring. This can be great for focusing your mind on one task and to get yourself back on track, especially if you are feeling a little distracted. This works particularly well if it’s coming to the end of the working day with only an hour left to maximise productivity and feel accomplished!
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